Majun Supari Pak by Cure


Description of Majun Supari Pak:

Introducing Majun Supari Pak, the ultimate herbal remedy for women’s reproductive health! If you’re looking for a natural way to boost your strength and vitality, this product is perfect for you.

Majun Supari Pak is specially formulated to provide strength to the female reproductive organs, regulate menstrual cycles, and increase the retentive power of the uterus. It is an effective herbal remedy for a wide range of women’s health issues such as leucorrhoea, general weakness, facial paleness, and anemia.

One of the key benefits of Majun Supari Pak is its high calcium content, which helps to make bones strong and healthy. Additionally, it is a great nervine tonic for women, providing relief from muscular fatigue and increasing energy levels.

This product is also ideal for women experiencing dysmenorrhea, a common menstrual problem characterized by painful cramps. By regulating menses and frequency of urination, Majun Supari Pak can help alleviate the discomfort associated with dysmenorrhea.

Overall, Majun Supari Pak is a safe and effective herbal remedy that can help improve the overall health and well-being of women. Try it today and experience the amazing benefits for yourself!

Ingredients of Majun Supari Pak:

Majeeth 0.125g, Chhalia 0.250g, Chhuhara 0.5g, Sheere Gao 0.1g… (Complete list can be found on the item or provided on request).

Dosage of Majun Supari Pak:

5-10 grams/ half a teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach. To be taken with some milk.

Size: 250 gm

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